Redesign website, web expert, true pilot

Welcome aboard and fasten your seatbelt coz we go for :

responsive website redesign, web development and SEO

You want to redesign an existing website ?
You want a new and modern website or the best website for your customers ?
You need to increase internet traffic and ask yourself how you can do this ?

Go out of the fog, better grab the oh shit handle , we have solutions for you ! Yippee ! Banzaï !

Website redesign : PHP, Perl, SQL, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript & CO. :)

Your website is deprecated, with a splendid Flash intro, old HTML4, not Internet Explorer friendly, not Google friendly too and do not meet your expectations ?

responsive web design

Don't panic, we are aerial ace of aces with responsive web design, web developement, and for designing new website

Clearly, we are enthusiasts ! :)

Designing new website needs to use the last technologies to read, surf and play with all the browsers ! Moreover, online conversion and conversion marketing increase significantly in a sustainable manner.

HTML5 et CSS3 website designJquery website designframework Zurb Foundation website design framework Bootstrap website design

And what about responsive design ?

PS : we use 100% HTML5/CSS3/Jquery and Zurb Foundation framework for our website. Form contact is Ajax like and the flying dog is animated with Javascript :)

With responsive web design, you can browse with all kind of devices : smartphone, tablet, laptop, TV, desktop. The more devices you give access, the more visitors you have !

responsive website for smartphone and tablet

what about updating website development ?

PS : our website is responsive one, try to reduce the window of your browser or surf with your smartphone to see it in action :)

PS : our website is responsive one, try to use with a tablet, laptop, TV or desktop computer to see it in action :)

Rewrite website coding increase perfs and track issues or bugs. Build new website architecture could also reinforce security and give the possibility to compete for the big data and high-traffic websites.

PHP web developmentPerl web developmentDBA mysql database optimizationDBA postgresql database administration

go baaaaack or mooooove on

PS : our website is made with 100% PHP/MySQL, we can say 100% open source. That's why the pet is very happy, yippee ! :)

Updating website : go up and keep on top of your works.

Have you any needs or emergency like speed up your website ? So fasten your seatbelt because we can help you with our skills and solutions to let you increase website traffic and the sales.

Wordpress updating websitePrestashop updating websiteupdating Google search engine optimizationadd payment gateway with credit card

Wordpress plugin development, Prestashop module development, snippet or custom built website coding, search engine optimization, or payment gateway which accept credit card to increase the sales  ?

Payment gateway is of course essential for eCommerce and shop online. Once website development is done, we check and certify with company as bank or broker that payment gateway works well in security.

Paypal payment gatewayAtos payment gatewayAllopass payment gatewayRentabiliweb payment gatewayPaysite Cash payment gatewayCredit Mutuel CIC payment gateway

If you need another payment system, we can develop custom scripts to get your website as an online shop and eCommerce one. You will accept payment with credit card, paypal, micropayment, to sell services, to sell products or online subscription.

What about CMS plugins ?

Of course, we don't want to invent a flying machine ! We install Prestashop module and we configure Wordpress plugin that are already existing on the market.

Wordpress installation and developmentPrestashop installation and development

Because sometimes we need optimization, security or because we don't find what we want, we build Prestashop module and proceed to create custom built Wordpress plugin.

Look for search engine optimization ?

Search engine optimization is not magical thing, coming from nowhere, nor acrobatics. There are a lot of basics points we must build around the web project.

Google search engine optimizationBing search engine optimizationYahoo search engine optimization

Good code, website structure, automated meta generation based on content, url-rewriting, compiled sources... We do all the regular things and use best practices to have a nice search engine optimization keeping all the features of your website or online shop.

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External web development : fly like aerobatics team and become famous.

If you want to increase your internet presence, you should add more tools than only one website to create a network. Increase database content, or another websites, or social netwok, there are many solutions.

facebook app and affiliate platform increase traffic

That's why we acquire additional work experience, create and develop Facebook apps .

We customize affiliate platform and server scripts (shell script) to generate and render automated all your process

We acquire a very large experience during creationadditional work experience Facebook apps creation and development : online shop, games, polls, quizz, event, practical news... A lot of tools and apps to gain visitors and customers loyalty, with leads optimization, and let your website become famous.

facebook app development

Facebook app development needs hosting SSL configuration (facebook rule), website structure, server architecture which can support large traffic, and last but not least Facebook review to publish in good condition.

And what about affiliate marketing platform ?

Studio du Net has key-strenght with custom built affiliate marketing platform, which could be the best performance-bases marketing for eCommerce to sell products or services.

affiliate marketing platform

We build the platfom, we develop all the shared tools (iframe, javascript, XML, libs, flash) and we create all the tracking scripts for payment, micropayment, analytics. The big difference between affialite marketing system on the market and your own custom built affilate marketing platform is of course the profitability because you don't have any providers to pay and you decide the amount of transfer.

Data feed and shell script

You want your website to become a reference ? Import rich content and data You need to export your own data for your CRM campaigns ? Databases tuning et speed up online scripts ?

mass content, data feed, contenu de masse, products catalog rss xml rpc

Add some french geek feeling on your web project ! Studio du Net is an expert with automated process and writing code for triggering and manpulating data : middleware, XML-RPC feed, SOAP, import / export CSV, offline process analytics. The more is complex, the more we love this !

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A propos du Studio du Net

Le Studio du Net est une agence web située en Mayenne, dans les pays de la Loire. Spécialisée dans la création de site internet, la particularité et la force de notre agence sont la maitrise à la fois du code informatique et de l'administration de serveurs. Ainsi, chaque programme, chaque script, chaque projet s'inscrit dans processus qui s'adapte aux possibilités des machines afin d'optimiser la connexion et permettre des vitesses d'exécution remarquables.

Le Studio du Net propose aussi toute une gamme de services internet : développement d'applications Facebook, système de paiement bancaire sécurisé et certifié, totale maitrise des systèmes d'affiliation, prototypes de jeux HTML5 ou Flash, gestion de base de données, datasourcing CNET et Encodex, référencement internet naturel, optimisation SEO, médias et gestion de votre contenu.



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